Extracts that are used in Gingko preparations are standardized on the basis of flavonoids in the ratio of 22.0– 27.0% and terpene lactones in the ratio of 5.0 -7.0%. These active compositions together show a synergic effect on the formation of extract’s most of the pharmacological and clinical effects.
It is shown that on the patients with demans, clinical effectiveness is connected with increasing the cerebrovascular blood stream, tonifying the brain mechanisms, preventing the brain damage with the effect of antioxidant and free radical scavenger and increasing the blood flow velocity going by congested artery by increasing the fluidity of blood of efficacy in peripherial arty artresia.
Clinical studies related with the usage on Alzheimer type demans and other demans syndromes Show that is effective on Ginkgo extracts.
Upon the acetlycholinesterase enzyme that has a role on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease, inhibitory effect of the extract with watery-ethanol, which is prepared based on the Centella asiatica, is seen. The positive effect of C. Asiatica’s watery-ethanol on memory shows that antioxidant mechanism has a role, too.
Besides the cardiovascular protective and chemopreventive effects, prohantocyanidin are effective compositions on the Alzheimer disease.
Deficiency of Vitamin B6, B12, zinc and folic acid cause amnesia. Vitamin B protects the brain against stress and has positive effects on mental and physical health. Vitamin B6 and B12, zinc and folic acid take part in formulation by strengthening the memory and brain functions.
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